First of all, if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read this article. The Sonic 3 movie releases December 20th, but we already know what the post-credit scene will entail due to recent leaks.
According to the leaks, viewers who stay until the credits roll will be met with a glimpse of what many fans had anticipated—the return of Metal Sonic. Additionally, Sonic fans will be treated to a first look at another heavily requested character, Amy Rose.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3’s credits feature a scene where Metal Sonic ambushes Sonic. As Sonic banters with his metal counterpart, more Metal Sonics emerge. Just when all hope appears lost, Amy appears and destroys several of the Metal Sonics.
Metal Sonic and Amy Rose first appeared in Sonic CD (for the aptly named Sega CD). Metal Sonic is a Dr. Robotnik creation that possesses Sonic’s abilities, while Amy Rose is a hedgehog who often believes she is Sonic’s girlfriend (much to Sonic’s dismay).
The two character introductions here continue the trend of teasing Sonic characters in the credits before they join the cast in subsequent movies. The first Sonic movie introduced Tails, while the sequel hinted at Shadow the Hedgehog’s appearance as an antagonist in the third film.
Are you excited for this Sonic movie? I know I sure am.