Good news, Rangers. The excellent-looking 2D beat-em-up Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind (whew) will be releasing on the Nintendo eShop December 10th, as originally planned. It was delayed for “unforeseen circumstances,” but I guess those circumstances cleared up.
Previously, it was revealed that the Switch version of Rita’s Rewind will lack online play at launch, with an update implementing the feature in the cards a few weeks later. That timeline hasn’t changed, meaning if you buy the game at launch you will need to stick with local multiplayer for now.
Digital Eclipse hopes to release a physical edition of the game. However, if that materializes, it won’t be available until sometime in 2025. NintendoUp will let you know if that ever happens.
Personally, I can’t wait for this game because it reminds me of the old SNES Power Rangers games, which I adore. They’re almost on the same level as the Ninja Turtles beat-em-ups on the same system.

Have you ever played a Power Rangers game? Let me know in the comments.