Are you excited for the remake of Yooka-Laylee? I sure am, as the original game was the spirtual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, and had a lot of potential. It had a number of issues, though, and this remake looks poised to fix most, if not all, of them.
Today, Playtonic Senior Community Manager Steve James and Studio Head Gavin Price have uploaded a one hour video of the Glitterglaze Glacier level. The video reveals major changes to the game, and is well worth a watch (below).
Keen eyes will notice new visual effects for the snow, such as how it melts when near heat sources. Or how the titular duo now shiver during their idle animation when in cold areas. There are plenty of other minor tweaks to discover visually in the video, so be sure to watch it.

What’s more, Glitterglaze Glacier (and we can assume the entire game) now has much more to do content-wise. Platforming challenges are more abundant, and new Pagies are now more clearly visible in the open world. New challenges are also scattered around the level, and the developers tease yet more ways to earn Pagies (the game’s puzzle piece equivalent, for Banjo-heads).
The NintendoUpside
I can’t wait to replay Yooka-Laylee! The new video shows some exciting graphical features that I’m sure will be apparent on the Nintendo Switch 2 (not yet confirmed, obviously). More importantly, it seems like the gameplay has been improved where desperately needed. The skeleton of the Yooka-Laylee game was fine, it was just the meat on the bones that needed some more love. If this video is anything to go by, it looks like we’re in good hands.
For more details, watch the video and share your thoughts in the comments below!